Click on a country below to view reports on NTM/Ethnos 360 child abuse.
By Kate Snow, Aliza Nadi & Rich Schapiro - NBC News
February 7, 2019
A group of women, whose parents joined the massive Evangelical group known as New Tribes Mission when they were children, open up to NBC’s Kate Snow about the alleged sex abuse they suffered at the hands of missionaries.

NBC News
Feb. 7, 2019
The accused sexual predators are living freely in communities around the U.S., their sordid pasts known only to a few
WESH 2 News
January 20, 2019
Former New Tribes Missionary Leslie Emory admitted during an interview with WAVY (NBC) television that he sexually abused the children entrusted to his care by the New Tribes Mission. Emory was named in a May 2011 lawsuit filed by Herman, Mermelstein & Horowitz, P.A., on behalf of a brave young woman who was repeatedly abused by Emory at the NTM facility in Aritao, Philippines.

By Pastor Matthew McNutt
March 25, 2019
In the early 90’s, I was a victim of abuse at an Ethnos360 boarding school. Over the past decade, the betrayal I have felt from the leadership of Ethnos360 has been far deeper than that of my abuser. Through their manipulation and misleading of former missionary kids (MK’s), rather than bringing healing, Ethnos360 has instead victimized the survivors of abuse entrusted to their care.
By Rene Stutzman - Orlando Sentinel
June 16, 2015
The crimes took place nearly 30 years ago in a village in Africa. Now a woman who says she was sexually abused repeatedly by a "dorm dad" in a Christian boarding school that was run by New Tribes Mission has reached a financial settlement with the group.

WESH 2 News
Jan 28, 2014
A former missionary for a Sanford-based mission was sentenced to 58 years in prison Tuesday on charges of child sexual exploitation.
By L. Martin Nussbaum, Esq.
Theresa Lynn Sidebotham, Esq.
June 14, 2011
Since 1985, Protestant organizations have watched the Catholic scandal unfold. Some thought, "this is a Catholic problem. This cannot happen to us." The reality is that Protestant ministries can learn from the CAtholic Church's experience. We hope this paper might help facilitate such learning. The risks are great. Now is the time to preapre.

CBN News
Aug 26, 2011
Former students who attended U.S. missions schools overseas tell CBN News about the child abuse they endured at the hands of missionaries.
Herman Law Firm
In or about 1984, when JANE was only eight years old, EMORY began his unlawful and heinous sexual relationship with JANE

Many crimes against children were committed by NTM (now Ethnos360) personnel in boarding schools around the world. Â Most of these crimes were covered up by NTM.